Illustration of commercial demand response customers

Commercial Demand Response: Promoting Benefits to Business Customers

Ensuring the reliability of your customers’ energy supply is one of the most important jobs for any utility — yet it’s often taken for granted by customers. By participating in commercial demand response programs, business customers will better understand the role they have to play and directly contribute to making the electric grid more stable.

Illustration of webinar about the resurgence of eNewsletters

Webinar: The Resurgence of eNewsletters

Newsletters have been around for a very long time — building relationships with readers since the 16th century. In the 1990s, the rise of email started the modern eNewsletter and delivery of curated content to inboxes. While email newsletters have been around a long time, they are still as effective as ever. In fact, eNewsletters

Illustration of best enewsletters of 2021

11 of the Best eNewsletters in 2021

eNewsletter popularity has exploded in recent years. News publishers and brands alike are producing top-tier content and delivering it directly to your inbox. Yet not all eNewsletters are created equal — some stand above the rest. We asked the creative and content teams at Questline Digital to share their favorites. We’re diving into the 11

Illustration of time-of-use rates for residential utility customers

Time-of-Use Rates: Encouraging Residential Customers to Make the Switch

Just as AMI replaced analog electric meters, the old-fashioned flat-rate bill will soon give way to a more dynamic and variable way for residential customers to pay for their energy use. An increasing number of energy utilities are introducing time-of-use (TOU) rates. But are customers ready for the change? Those of us in the utility

Illustration of creative marketing ideas for energy utility promotions

Creative Inspiration for Energy Utility Promotions

When it comes to promotional emails, there is a fine line between selling your product or service and creating a narrative that resonates with customers. For energy utilities, this is not always an easy task. The reality is, utility products and services can be technical, complicated and not always on customers’ radars. More so, energy