Illustration of small business customer segmentation on main street

Webinar: Segmentation for Small Business Customers

Segmentation is a critical tool for energy utilities to effectively reach customers, especially small business customers. SMB customers are often hard to reach for numerous reasons, including lack of time and lack of interest in information they think is not relevant to their needs. In this webinar, Kurt Hansen, Questline Digital AVP of products and

Illustration of deferred payment programs for energy utilities

Deferred Payment Programs Provide Relief to Utility Customers

With state disconnection bans ending, more than 179 million Americans risk losing their electric service due to unpaid bills. As the economy continues to suffer as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many energy utilities are taking action to help customers facing financial hardship. Helping utility customers with deferred payment programs In August 2020, Questline

Illustration of people using geoengineering to slow climate change

What is Geoengineering?

Consumers are increasingly concerned about climate change, and many state regulators have set ambitious renewable energy goals for utilities. The planet’s temperature has been rising for decades, and even the Paris Climate Agreement targets a maximum 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise in this century. However, some believe that cutting planet-warming emissions is not enough to

Energy managers at factory reduce energy use with demand response program

Demand Response: Key Benefits for Business Customers

As demand on the U.S. power grid continues to grow, energy utility demand response programs are gaining traction. These beneficial programs compensate participants for temporarily reducing their energy usage during periods of peak demand. Many business customers are hesitant about the program and its impact on operations. For example, will reducing energy use during a

Illustration of distributed energy virtual power plants

Virtual Power Plants: The Future of Energy Distribution

With the rise of renewable energy, the way that energy is distributed is changing. The traditional top-down method of energy distribution, from the utility to the customer, doesn’t always apply to energy from solar, wind and other renewable sources — some of which may be generated by customers themselves. In these cases, where power flow