Family of energy utility customers plays video games

Game On! Energy Utility Marketing Wins with Gamification

Gamification — the application of game-design elements in non-gaming contexts — is a great opportunity for energy utilities to engage customers. Games facilitate our natural desire for socializing, learning, competition and achievement, not to mention fun and play. The latter may sound frivolous but serves as a powerful engagement tool. In 2010, Google released their

Energy utility customer uses smartphone to manage solar and electric vehicle energy use

Webinar: Content Marketing for Solar and Electric Vehicles

Content marketing is a key strategy to connect with your energy utility’s customers. In this webinar, Kurt Hansen, Questline Digital AVP of products and partnerships, focuses on how to use content marketing to educate customers about solar power and electric vehicles. He also demonstrates how to use customer segmentation to reach specific audiences. Content marketing

Energy manager in a factory considers efficiency upgrades

Energy Efficiency Investments: The Cost of Doing Nothing

Time is money, as they say. Even time spent doing nothing can add up. The time spent procrastinating on a project instead of focusing to get it done? That adds up to a late assignment and possibly an upset manager. In the energy utility industry, consider the time customers spend contemplating the purchase of energy

Illustration of home office using energy

Work from Home: The Impact on Energy Use

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, more people are working from home than ever. In fact, 42% of the U.S. labor force now works from home full-time. What does this mean for your customers’ energy consumption? According to CBS News, California residential energy use has risen 15% to 20% during the pandemic and New York

Illustration of green energy technologies and smart grid electrification

Go Green or Go Home: The Truth About Ecofriendly Messaging

Many energy utilities turn to an eco-friendly or green marketing message when promoting paperless billing, electric vehicle rebates, electrification, energy efficiency and other programs. But how effective is a green message when it comes to customer engagement and conversions? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of green messaging to find out if