House and Apartments of Energy Customers

Homeowners and Renters: The Right Message for the Right Segment

Homeowners and renters are very different audience segments. Your energy utility needs to know how best to communicate to these customers based on their needs and interests. While homeowners are often focused on long-term energy savings, renters are more concerned with quick ways to save that don’t require a huge upfront investment. Read on to

Customers laughing at social media content on a smartphone

Make Them Laugh: Engage Utility Customers With Humor

Using humor as part of a marketing campaign is a tried-and-true way to make a memorable connection with your audience. The Super Bowl is one of the most expensive and high-profile marketing events of the year. (It’s also a football game.) USA Today estimates that “one-quarter of Americans watch the Super Bowl for commercials alone”

Illustration of a creative mind at work

Creative Impact: Why Design Matters for Energy Utilities

Design plays a powerful role in your energy utility’s marketing strategy. From eye-catching emails to attention-grabbing social media posts, design elements can impact customer engagement and program participation. However, it’s not always easy to know how to improve the design of emails, web pages, social media posts and other marketing materials. We sat down with

Illustration of a city powered by solar energy

Solar is Soaring! It’s Time to Answer Customers’ PV Questions

With growing interest in renewable energy, an increasing number of consumers are choosing to install solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. In the United States, solar PV installations have increased to more than 2 million, and this number is expected to double by 2023. With demand greater than ever before, energy utility customers are looking to their

Marketers manage their customer email lists

3 Ways to Add More Customers to Your Email List

Email is an extremely effective channel for energy utility communications. You can quickly reach a lot of customers and also deliver personalized messages to specific segments. You can maintain a consistent customer touchpoint with an email newsletter and then leverage that engagement with targeted program promotions. However, you can’t accomplish any of these things if