Electric cars and trucks are nothing new. In fact, William Morrison of Des Moines, Iowa, built a six-passenger electric-powered wagon in 1891. Jumping ahead to just a few years later, of the 4,192 cars produced in the U.S. in 1900, 28% were electric. But electric vehicles (EVs) had disappeared by 1935 due to the discovery of Texas crude oil, the invention of the electric starter and mass production introduced by Henry Ford.

One of the main goals of EVs today is to replace petroleum, but reducing the cost of operation is an extra benefit. Burning petroleum consumes a finite resource and pollutes the atmosphere. While site emissions for electric vehicles is technically zero, the source emissions are still 30% less than gasoline combustion even considering 100% coal use for producing electricity from a power plant. Use of renewable solar or wind power reduces source emission by 100%.

Navigating barriers to EV adoption

What are the present barriers to EV adoption?

For starters, a price premium still exists averaging around $12,000 per electric vehicle. While fuel savings (electricity versus gasoline) will offset over $1,000 of that premium and a federal tax credit up to $7,500 could apply, it still takes about five years (70,000 miles) to obtain a simple financial payback.

The cost of batteries represents 30% to 40% of the total cost of EV production. Fortunately, that cost is steadily decreasing, now around $137/kWh of capacity. Bloomberg New Energy Finance forecasts EV battery prices to drop to $100/kWh in 2024 and $75/kWh by 2030, which would equal full parity with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.
To combat this pricing barrier, roughly 35 states offer EV incentives of different types:

  • $1,000 to $5,000 straight rebate (regardless of vehicle price)
  • 50% to 80% of incremental cost (price premium) over non-EV
  • 20% to 35% of the vehicle purchase price (cap limited)
  • Exempt from state sales and use tax

The low cost of gasoline did not restrict EV sales much early on, especially for early adopters, but low fuel costs will affect the next group of buyers (early majority stage of technology adoption). In addition, states are reacting to the loss of fuel pump tax revenues by sending tax bills to EV owners based on the average miles travelled by ICE vehicles. While this is not unexpected, it could prove to be another deterrent to those seeking out EVs.

Perceived range anxiety is more fiction than fact. Many EVs today can go over 100 miles on a single charge while 50% of Americans travel less than 26 miles per day. In two years, the number of EV charging stations in the U.S. has doubled to 40,844 (offering 98,674 charging outlets). On-site charging stations are also very common for passenger cars and commercial fleet vehicles.

Faster charging speed and extended mileage is being enabled by technology such as silicon-carbide MOSFETs. Nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) lithium-ion batteries (used in about half of all EVs) provide the greatest capacity and power response but are prone to overheating. However, all electric vehicles incorporate a battery safety vent, current interrupter, and battery management system to minimize this risk.

The biggest barrier to EV adoption, however, is lack of public education. In an article from CleanTechnica, Steve Hanley observes, “Most dealers are doing a rotten job of promoting electric cars.” Although car manufacturers are equally to blame, he is steadfast that “there is no power on Earth that can force customers to buy an electric car until all of their questions have been answered.”

Answering questions about EVs is a role that utilities can play, especially in partnership with car dealerships, local governments, non-profit groups and car manufacturers. Energy utilities can work toward instant notification for permitting from the dealer, help governments streamline permitting and inspection processes for charging stations, offer financial or non-financial incentives and help emergency responders understand and address new safety concerns. Further guidance is available from the Clean Cities Community Electric Vehicle Readiness Projects.

EV market penetration is picking up speed

Despite these barriers, real or perceived, EVs are gaining a foothold. Close to 700,000 hybrid, plug-in and battery EVs were sold in each of the last three years in the U.S., with California among states and the Tesla brand among automobile manufacturers clearly dominating the market. Tesla alone sold nearly 200,000 Tesla 3, Y and X version battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in 2020, according to CleanTechnica. That is over 70% of all BEVs sold last year!

While there are only a dozen and a half passenger BEVs commercially available in the U.S. today, another dozen will be introduced this year or early next year, including large pickup trucks. The number of manufacturers offering medium- and heavy-duty commercial electric vehicles in the U.S. are increasing as well, including:

  • Electric transit buses (5)
  • Step-vans (3)
  • Utility trucks (5)
  • School buses (2)
  • Waste management trucks (5)
  • Long-haul and day-haul tractor trailers (5)

The future of EV adoption

What does the future hold for EV adoption? The major oil companies are rapidly displacing oil by adding renewable energy to their portfolios. Boston Consulting Group predicts the U.S. market will be driven by mild hybrid electric vehicles through 2025 and BEV volume through 2030, snagging 50% of all vehicle sales by 2030. Wood Mackenzie, however, predicts much lower EV sales per year for the U.S. (2.8 million), compared to China (5.3 million) and Europe (3.7 million), by 2030.

We do not know which prediction is more accurate, but we do believe that electric vehicles are here to stay. Ready to join the ride?

You can drive EV adoption for your utility customers with a content marketing strategy from Questline Digital.

Dan Reicher, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Energy, has long espoused a theory (often called the Reicher Triangle) that in order to rapidly deploy clean energy, you need three elements: technology, policy and finance. The U.S. has steadily developed clean energy technologies for many years and clean technology financing has reached an all-time high. The Biden administration is now delivering the missing policy support along with additional financing.

The new administration has a very different perspective on renewable energy. Upon winning the election, President Joe Biden promised to take numerous actions involving renewable energy in support of his climate change agenda. Some actions are defensive in nature, reversing the previous administration’s policies; most actions are offensive in nature, establishing new legislation. Many of the actions have already been put into play via Executive Order (EO), but a few have not.

Reversing existing policy:

  • Establish aggressive methane pollution limits for new and existing oil and gas operations (EO 14008 Sec. 217; EO 13990 Sec. 2)
  • Implement rigorous new fuel economy standards toward 100% zero-emission vehicles (EO 13990 Sec. 2)
  • Require zero-emission vehicles for federal, state, local and tribal government fleets, including vehicles of the United States Postal Service (EO 14008 Sec. 205)
  • Temporary moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (EO 13990 Sec. 4)
  • Banning new oil and gas leasing on public lands and waters (EO 14008 Sec. 208)
  • Eliminating fossil fuel subsidies (EO 14008 Sec. 209)
  • Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline (EO 13990 Sec. 6)

Establishing new policy:

  • Double U.S. offshore wind capacity by 2030 (EO 14008 Sec. 207)
  • Achieve zero-carbon electricity generation by 2035 (EO 14008 Sec. 205)
  • Introduce legislation to achieve economy-wide net-zero emissions no later than 2050 (EO 14008 Sec. 201)
  • Rejoin the Paris climate agreement (EO 14008 Sec. 102)
  • Increase renewable energy deployment on public lands (EO 14008 Sec. 207)
  • Directing infrastructure planning to accelerate transmission projects and clean energy buildout (EO 14008 Sec. 213)
  • Make environmental justice a priority across all federal agencies (EO 14008 Sec. 219-223)

Policy not yet enforced:

  • Establishing ARPA-C, a research agency focused on advancing the energy transition. ARPA-E, an existing program focused on clean energy technology, is offering $100 million in 2021 funding.
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of the U.S. building stock 50% by 2035 through incentivizing beneficial electrification, efficiency upgrades and on-site clean power generation (4 million commercial and 2 million residential buildings).
  • Invest $400 billion over 10 years to achieve clean energy innovation breakthroughs.
  • Encourage the deployment of more than 500,000 new EV public charging outlets by the end of 2030.
  • Enact legislation requiring public company polluters to bear the full cost of their climate pollution. EO 13990 does mention the intention “to hold polluters accountable” and requires agencies to estimate the full social costs for carbon, nitrous oxide and methane emissions but falls short of implementing any penalty system.

Shifting winds of zero-carbon generation for energy utilities

Reducing the availability of fossil fuels and requiring zero-carbon electricity generation will greatly accelerate the domestic wind, solar and electric vehicles industries. It will also leverage existing carbon-free sources like nuclear power and hydropower. State renewable portfolio standards (RPS) goals will also drive wind and solar deployment. Energy-storage technology development will need to accelerate to enable use of increased intermittent renewables like wind and solar.

Here are six predictions for the U.S. renewable energy sector in 2021:

  1. Expect carbon taxing (and possible fines) on emitters of greenhouse gasses (GHG). Clean renewable energy is more economically feasible when GHG emitters become more expensive.
  2. There will be a record issuance of debt for sustainability projects, including activity-based green bonds, social bonds, green loans, sustainability-linked loans and sustainability bonds.
  3. Annual solar installations will exceed 23 GW in 2021 compared to 19 GW in 2020. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is lobbying for a delay in the phasedown of the solar investment tax credit (ITC). The SEIA goal is to reach 20% electricity generation from solar by 2030. Wood Mackenzie predicts a record-setting 2021 for commercial photovoltaic generation at nearly 2.4 GW, for residential PV at 3.5 GW, and for utility PV at around 17 GW.
  4. Wind additions will jump from 17 GW in 2020 to 21 GW in 2021.
  5. 2021 will be a breakout year for electric vehicles with over one-half million EVs sold in the U.S., 70% more than in 2020. Expect vehicle emission standards to be lowered and fuel efficiency minimums to be raised.
  6. Energy storage deployments will spike dramatically in 2021, from 1.3 GW in 2020 to over 3.8 GW, driven by large-scale utility procurements. Front-of-the meter deployments will represent 85% of the market. The SEIA supports standalone energy storage systems qualifying for the ITC.

Some of these predictions would have come true under the previous administration, but President Biden and his team are focused much more on renewable energy during his term. As this new administration pushes forward to achieve and exceed goals, time will tell just how powerful the triple-threat combination of technology, policy and finance really is. After all, the Reicher Triangle is a powerful force that should not be underestimated.

How do you communicate the benefits of renewable energy to customers? Learn how to power your campaigns with a Content Marketing Strategy from Questline Digital.

Smart home technology provides residential customers with powerful tools to control their energy use, make their homes more comfortable and save money. Some smart devices are also a lot of fun — or even a little silly.

The lighter side of connected technology was definitely on display during this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. Held virtually this year because of the pandemic, the event was still a major showcase of the latest high-tech gadgets that you didn’t know you needed. Here are some of the strangest smart home devices unveiled at CES 2021.

Shower Power

While there’s no guarantee that it will improve your singing, this Bluetooth speaker will save energy while you blast tunes in the bathroom. That’s because the Ampere Shower Power gets 100% of its power from the running water that flows through the device as you shower.


Do you ever wish that making an ice cream cone was as easy as brewing a cup of coffee? That’s the promise of ColdSnap. Much like a Keurig coffee maker, ColdSnap users can pop a pod into the dispenser and instantly serve ice cream, frozen yogurt, smoothies — even frozen cocktails.

Themis Smart Mirror

Talking mirrors get a bad rap in fairy tales like Snow White. CareOS is polishing that image with its Themis Smart Mirror. The health and hygiene device can check your temperature, analyze your skin, provide 360-degree and magnified video, and offer makeup, hair and skincare tutorials.

AirCozy Pillow

Does your old-fashioned pillow just lie still while you toss and turn and snore through the night? Not the AirCozy Interactive Smart Pillow from DozzyCozy. This device monitors your sleeping position in real time, automatically adjusting to the perfect height. One model will even reduce snoring by gently shaking until you change sleeping positions.

myQ Pet Portal

Your furry family members shouldn’t be left out of the smart home fun! The myQ Pet Portal is a doggy door paired with a Bluetooth collar that will let your pooch come and go on demand. It also sends alerts to your smartphone so you can monitor Fido’s backyard breaks from anywhere.

As smart technology continues to grow in popularity, more residential customers will bring these devices home and take greater control of their energy use. Consumers will also have some fun with not-so-serious smart gadgets that make life a little more comfy and convenient.

Learn how a content marketing strategy from Questline Digital will increase smart device adoption and boost marketplace sales for your energy utility.

Fifth-generation (5G) wireless is the latest technology in mobile communications, but is it the greatest? The previous generation, 4G LTE, was launched a decade ago, in 2010, which means it was time for an upgrade. 5G service promises faster speed and a higher-quality wireless experience, but all of that may come at a cost. This is what energy utility customers should know about the launch of 5G technology.

The long and short of 5G technology

The frequency of wireless signals can be measured as hertz (cycles per second) or wavelength (meters). These waves of energy radiate through the air, carrying bits of data that turn into text, pictures and video on your mobile device.

Higher speeds carry more data, which reduces data transfer time and allows for higher-quality audio and video content. 5G has a maximum download speed of up to 2,000 megabits per second (Mbps), compared to 10 Mbps for 4G LTE. The higher speed of 5G enables you to download an entire movie to your phone in seconds.

Higher frequency, though, means shorter wavelengths, which aren’t as good at penetrating solid objects — like buildings. Cell phones typically use lower-frequency, longer-wavelength wireless signals that originate from cell towers and can travel long distances and can pass through windows and walls. The shorter wavelengths used by 5G technology dramatically limit the distance the signal can travel, especially in cities where lots of buildings stand in the way.

Into the 5G spectrum

5G service can operate in a wide range of frequencies generally divided into three different spectrums: low-band, mid-band and high-band.

Low-band spectrum operates at under one gigahertz (GHz), or one billion hertz. It’s used by existing 3G and 4G LTE services and UHF TV channels. Although the frequencies are roughly the same, 5G channels are much wider than 4G and are more responsive (lower latency), which theoretically improves download speed. However, low-band 5G has been found to be relatively slow, acting like 4G or slower.  

The mid-band spectrum is between 2 GHz and 10 GHz. Cell tower range in this spectrum is only about 2,500 feet, about half a mile. Unfortunately, very little of this spectrum is available to phone companies today. T-Mobile is currently rolling out 2.5 GHz mid-band 5G spectrum as a result of its acquisition of Sprint. AT&T and Verizon operate off mid-band spectrum as well, mostly sharing overlapping spectrum from their 4G service.

The high-band spectrum (millimeter wave) is generally between 20 GHz and 100 GHz. Higher download speeds come with much more limited range and noticeable interference from buildings, glass, and even leaves and rain. Cell tower range is limited to about 800 feet and outdoor towers only provide service when outside. Also, high-band 5G requires advanced technology antennas that must be spaced close together. All major wireless companies have at least some limited high-band service, but Verizon only offers 5G service in the high-band spectrum.

5G technology and your smartphone

How will the switch to 5G affect your mobile device? Right now, almost all phones capable of 5G service still need 4G service, at least for voice communication. Eventually, 5G phones will operate in standalone networks. Few 5G-capable phones available today will work with all three spectrum bands.

5G phone chips use a lot more energy than 4G chips, and they drain phone batteries faster. This requires larger batteries or more energy storage capacity (4,000 mAh or more). 5G chips can also run hot and warm up your phone, sometimes causing 5G service to shift to 4G in hot weather. Integrated low-power 5G chips, currently on the horizon, should help clear up these issues.

Making waves at 5G speeds  

Despite these drawbacks, 5G is likely to have a big impact on wireless communication. Besides enabling high-quality video chat, faster downloading and virtual reality experiences, 5G could eliminate the need for onboard data storage. This would push even more data onto the cloud.

5G technology also allows energy utilities to touch every level of the utility customer value-chain. For example, high-speed wireless could accelerate the deployment of autonomous electric vehicles and in-home healthcare due to its higher responsiveness. It already empowers the smart grid, mission-critical communications (like remote equipment monitoring) and the resiliency of licensed spectrum. Stay tuned to find out where 5G wireless will take us next.

With Questline Digital content your energy utility can keep customers up-to-date on the latest smart technology.

What important energy trends should your natural gas customers be aware of in 2021? As their trusted resource, your energy utility should be prepared to answer customer questions and provide information that helps customers get up-to-speed on innovations and new technologies. To get started, here are five energy trends for natural gas consumption and end-use equipment for 2021 and beyond.

1. Natural Gas Consumption

While natural gas consumption in the U.S. dropped somewhat due to the pandemic, the share of natural gas for power generation has grown significantly. Natural gas-fired generators accounted for 43% of operating U.S. electricity generating capacity (GW) in 2019. These natural gas-fired generators also provided 39% of electricity generation (GWh) in 2019, more than any other source. McKinsey’s North American gas model shows that U.S. demand will continue to grow from 95 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) to 125 bcfd by 2035.

2. Natural Gas-Fueled Heat Pumps

Combined heat and power (CHP) may have to soon be renamed cooling, heat and power. These three outputs from natural gas are now available all in one box. A natural gas-fueled internal combustion engine (ICE) drives a heat pump, which produces both heat and cooling. The ICE also drives an alternator producing power (6 to 10 kW) that can be stored in its on-board batteries.

The number of manufacturers offering engine-driven natural gas-fueled heat pumps is growing. Higher performance gas-fired absorption heat pumps and heat pump water heaters and Vuilleumier cycle thermodynamic heat pumps are under development.

3. Condensing Boilers

New developments are improving condensing boiler performance. In a dual return system, two return ports, one above the other, receive return water, with each return port separated from the other by a baffle in the tube bundle. The cooler water enhances condensing before it is blended with higher-temperature return water on the other side of the baffle.

An advanced forced-air condensing natural gas-fired tankless water heater combi system can achieve 30% to 50% energy savings relative to separate best-in-class condensing furnaces and water heaters. These developments will drive faster market penetration of condensing boilers and more energy savings.

4. Boiler Control

Integrated support for BACnet, LONworks and ModBus connectivity facilitates many boiler control functions.

  • Remote control and diagnostics
  • Boiler-to-boiler communications
  • Burner modulation
  • Lead-lag rotation
  • Integration with building automation systems (BAS)

Boiler connectivity reduces maintenance response time and costs, improves visibility of operations and allows multiple boiler systems to work better together.

5. Boiler Modularity

Greater efficiency is shrinking the size of boilers. Manufacturers are allowing several smaller units to be (literally) bolted together to increase capacity. This allows replacing larger legacy boilers that are in otherwise inaccessible locations.

Natural gas trends for the new year

Is your utility’s customer engagement strategy ready for 2021? Keeping these emerging trends in mind will help your energy utility put its best foot forward in the new year, and help you better advise natural gas customers.

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