Consumers are increasingly concerned about climate change, and many state regulators have set ambitious renewable energy goals for utilities. The planet’s temperature has been rising for decades, and even the Paris Climate Agreement targets a maximum 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise in this century. However, some believe that cutting planet-warming emissions is not enough to stave off disaster. Thus, enters geoengineering.

Geoengineering is “the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change,” according to the University of Oxford. This is generally accomplished one of two ways:

  1. Sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky, aka “carbon removal” or “direct air capture,” so the atmosphere will trap less heat.
  2. Reflecting more sunlight away from the planet so less heat is absorbed in the first place.

The question remains: Do we utilize geoengineering to offset the negative effects of climate change? Read on to learn more about the different categories of geoengineering, as well as the implications of these environmental interventions.

Direct Air Capture

The oceans absorb a lot of CO2. David Keith, a Harvard University physicist, has developed a patented “negative emissions technology” using chemistry to remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. In 1995, British researchers suggested fertilizing the oceans with iron to stimulate the growth of CO2-absorbing algae. Phytoplankton algae would soak up CO2 from the water and cause more to be absorbed from the atmosphere. There have been over a dozen major iron-fertilization experiments in the open ocean since 1990.

Reflecting Sunlight

Volcano eruptions have cooled the earth slightly in the past. Concern over “nuclear winter” had scientists studying solar geoengineering back in the 1940s and 1950s. More modern ideas include setting up sun shields in space and floating billions of white objects on the oceans to reflect sunlight.

Dispersing microscopic particles (typically sulphates) into the stratosphere by airplanes to scatter sunlight (4,000 to 10,000 flights a year) was an idea first proposed in 1965. To protect the arctic ice cap, scientists have conceived the idea of deploying tall ships to pump salt particles from the ocean into polar clouds.

Recent attempts at geoengineering

Russian scientists conducted a “stratospheric injection” experiment in 2009 and Harvard University and University of Washington scientists are separately planning their own similar experiments soon. There is a direct air capture (DAC) facility in Zurich, developed by the Swiss company Climeworks, that removes CO2 from the atmosphere using a sorbent filter. Waste heat from a local waste incineration plant drives the process.

Carbon Engineering, a Bill Gates-backed company, has been testing a liquid potassium carbonate sorbent DAC technology since 2015. Coca-Cola aims to use Global Thermostat’s DAC to source CO2 for its carbonated beverages.

A Center for Negative Carbon Emissions was founded in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at Arizona State University in 2014. Many utilities see Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) as an opportunity to significantly lower emissions from carbon intensive generation assets. CSS is a proven technology, though not yet adopted at scale.

Issues and concerns with geoengineering

Possible downsides of geoengineering include damaging the protective ozone layer, altering global rainfall patterns, reducing crop growth and acidifying the oceans. The effects that algae blooms could have on the marine food web is unknown.

Other implementation issues to consider include:

  • Global (planet-scale) or local (ice sheets) operations?
  • Who would be in charge of such planetary endeavors?
  • How do you settle on a single global average temperature?
  • Is geoengineering playing “God”?
  • Scaling up experiments is risky. Can we go back if results are unacceptable?
  • Is the geoengineering risk greater than negative climate change effects?
  • Could a focus on geoengineering delay direct greenhouse gas emissions reductions?

Some say that we have been unintentionally geoengineering our climate for more than a century, so why not intentionally geoengineer it now? Others argue that blithely dumping another 40 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year is akin to government deficit spending. The attitude is, “Let future generations deal with it.”

Solar geoengineering is attractive because it is relatively inexpensive, works immediately and doesn’t require global cooperation for local projects. Alternatively, restoring forests, an effective “natural” climate solution, may be the path to follow. The World Resources Institute estimates that a degraded forest area twice the size of Canada is available for reforestation globally.

With the numerous options available today, it is apparent that more research needs to be done to determine if geoengineering is the right solution to combat climate change.

With the rise of renewable energy, the way that energy is distributed is changing. The traditional top-down method of energy distribution, from the utility to the customer, doesn’t always apply to energy from solar, wind and other renewable sources — some of which may be generated by customers themselves.

In these cases, where power flow is actually bidirectional, virtual power plants (VPPs) are becoming a more common distribution option.

What is a virtual power plant?

A virtual power plant is a network of decentralized generation sources, such as wind farms, solar arrays and combined heat and power units, that work in coordination with storage systems and flexible energy consumers.

While VPPs may take a variety of different forms, they all operate with one goal: to relieve demand on the grid. They do this by distributing the power generated by individual units during peak hours.

How does a virtual power plant work?

Virtual power plant participants are connected to a central control system that can boost or decrease energy output in real time. VPPs can provide demand response automatically, responding immediately to price signals, shifting commercial and residential loads, or aggregating other distributed energy resources.

All participants are monitored and controlled with a single system, which makes it easy to initiate these distribution adjustments. The system can also show real-time data consumption of each distributed energy resource (DER) on the grid.

VPPs are not the same as a microgrid, which has a confined boundary and can disconnect from the larger grid to create a power island. VPPs can cover much wider geography and can grow or shrink depending upon real-time market conditions.

The goal of a virtual power plant

Overall, the purpose of a virtual power plant is to connect and network DERs, demand response programs and storage systems in order to monitor, forecast, optimize and distribute their generation or consumption. Including these various DERs in one VPP means the data can be forecasted and analyzed as though it was a single power plant.

The VPP also allows energy utilities to separate the DERs by type and location so they can segment customers. By using segmentation to their advantage, energy utilities can determine what kind of value the VPPs bring to customers.

Energy utilities and virtual power plants

Virtual power plants allow energy utilities to better assess and correct demand response issues. For example, Green Mountain Power in Vermont created a VPP with 500 batteries in homes to address peak demand, yielding $500,000 in savings in one one-hour peak demand period.

In some states, there is growing conflict between energy utilities and third party DERs over who has “control” over the VPPs. For example, PPL Corporation in Pennsylvania is currently in a heated debate against a distributed resource aggregation service business, Sunrun, regarding management of the DERs and the regulations put upon solar customers. In other areas, such as California, New England and New York, “third-party companies have signed bilateral contracts with utilities whereby the company is in the driver’s seat for DER management and the utility is a customer instead of a competitor.” These agreements naturally take away the debate and competition for control.

Despite the growing popularity of virtual power plants, these conflicts demonstrate the need for uniform regulations regarding ownership. Still, the cost savings and environmental benefits for both energy utilities and customers prove VPPs will be useful as energy distribution continues to evolve. In addition, they help make renewable energy more readily available on the grid and provide solutions to demand response efforts.

The future of virtual power plants may be murky as the operations continue to evolve, but one thing is clear: this is the future of energy distribution.

Learn how a digital marketing strategy from Questline Digital can help your energy utility promote the benefits of demand response programs.

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, more people are working from home than ever. In fact, 42% of the U.S. labor force now works from home full-time. What does this mean for your customers’ energy consumption?

According to CBS News, California residential energy use has risen 15% to 20% during the pandemic and New York energy use is up 4% to 7%.This is comparable to the International Energy Agency’s projections, noting that working from home could increase energy consumption by as much as 23%, “depending on regional differences in the average size of homes, heating or cooling needs and the efficiency of appliances.”

As customers spend more time working at home, they are using home office electronics throughout the day along with increased use of lighting, heating and cooling — even using kitchen appliances instead of the breakroom microwave at work. Of course, this all leads to an increase in home energy bills as well.

Payment options and efficiency advice for work-from-home customers

Questline Digital deployed more 72 million COVID-19-related messages on behalf of energy utilities during the initial months of the crisis. Those performance metrics painted a clear picture of the information customers wanted from their energy utilities.

Based on this insight, Questline Digital developed two key recommendations for connecting with work-from-home customers:

  1. Provide useful energy efficiency advice so customers can take control of their bills.
  2. Proactively communicate billing options to customers who are unfamiliar with assistance programs.

At the beginning of the crisis, email newsletters were the most reliable way to reach customers, as most utilities suspended program promotions and other non-essential communications. eNewsletters delivered record levels of engagement in March 2020, with a 37% average open rate — 65% higher than the same month the previous year. One of the most popular content topics throughout the spring was energy efficiency, especially saving energy in a home office.

When energy utilities resumed marketing campaigns in the late spring and early summer, energy efficiency and paperless billing campaigns were the top performers. Energy efficiency messages achieved a 26% average open rate, surpassing the benchmark rate by 11%.

There is a more worrying trend lurking in the shadows of the work-from-home surge: The economic shutdown caused by the pandemic has left 30 million Americans without jobs. Some dual-income households have even faced the prospect of losing income from one family member while another continues working from home, driving up energy costs. Many of these people are facing financial hardship for the first time and may not be familiar with your utility’s billing options and payment assistance programs.

A major investor-owned utility in the Southeast sent a payment reminder email to more than 86,000 customers early in the crisis. The message provided an option to make partial payments and linked to the utility’s COVID-19 resource page. The email experienced extraordinary engagement rates with a 41% open rate and 5,850 total clicks.

A permanent shift in home energy use

As many companies continue to allow employees to work from home, it is clear that work culture is changing. For example, Google employees are working from home until at least summer 2021 and Twitter staff can do so permanently. Even when the pandemic ends, a survey by the Harvard Business School found that one in six workers is projected to continue working from home at least two days a week.

Despite growing questions about a continued work from home future, it is apparent that this is just the beginning. Your energy utility needs to continue to prepare customers for the increased costs that come with their home office, whether through payment options or energy efficiency tips.

The future of our work-from-home world may be unknown, but what is known are the numerous ways your energy utility can help your residential and business customers. Be a trusted resource as customers continue to work through the struggles of a pandemic.

Learn how proactive communications like Questline Digital‘s Payment Assistance Campaign connect customers with billing options when they need help the most.

Questline Digital energy expert Mike Carter shares his analysis of energy storage technology and the outlook for utilities.

Electrical energy is transitory in nature. It is generally consumed as soon as it is produced. This requires closely matching power generation with consumption, which is complex and costly. Energy storage systems (ESS) are a great enabler that can temper this requirement. In fact, energy storage can provide over a dozen general electricity services to the electric grid. Deployments of energy storage capacity almost doubled from 2018 to 2019 and were poised for explosive future growth prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily from the residential market.

Policies like utility integrated resource plans (IRP) and favorable distributed generation interconnection rules have driven the front-of-the-meter (FTM) market. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 841, approved in February 2017, leveled the wholesale energy and capacity FTM markets by treating storage as a generation resource. Monetary incentives from states and utilities, plus improved resiliency have driven the behind-the-meter (BTM) market.

The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) has identified 13 services that energy storage can provide to three stakeholder groups from delivery of each service. The stakeholder groups and benefits are:

  • Independent system operators (ISOs) and regional transmission organizations (RTOs)
    • Energy arbitrage
    • Spin/non-spin reserve
    • Frequency regulation
    • Voltage support
    • Black start
  • Utilities
    • Resource adequacy
    • Transmission congestion relief
    • Transmission and distribution construction deferral
  • Customers (BTM only)
    • Time-of-use bill management
    • Demand charge reduction
    • Increased PV solar self-consumption
    • Backup power

For customers, energy storage can meet on-peak demand with excess energy produced by baseload generation and renewables during off-peak hours. This reduces or eliminates peak customer demand charges. ESS also makes it much easier and cost-effective to add wind and solar energy to the grid.

There are generally seven categories of energy storage technologies:

  • Electrochemical batteries — mainly capacitors
  • Kinetic flywheels — mechanical devices that harness rotational energy to deliver instantaneous electricity
  • Static chemical batteries — a range of electrochemical storage solutions, including advanced chemistry batteries
  • Thermal storage — capturing heat and cold to create energy on demand, including ice storage
  • Chemical flow batteries — batteries where the energy is stored directly in a circulating electrolyte solution for longer cycle life and quick response times
  • Compressed air energy storage — utilizing compressed air to create a potent energy reserve
  • Potential energy — pumped hydro-power creating large-scale reservoirs of energy with water or a tower out of stacked bricks (such as Energy Vault)

Lithium-ion chemistry dominates the static chemical battery market, accounting for 98% of power capacity in new deployments. It offers a much higher power density (smaller footprint), more cycle rates, greater depth of discharge and longer life than lead acid batteries. Li-ion batteries are almost exclusively used in electric vehicles and are making inroads into uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for data centers.

  • Tesla commercial Powerpacks and residential Tesla Powerwalls have been available for some time.  
  • Green Charge, AES Distributed Energy and LG Chem are other major Li-ion battery storage suppliers.
  • Solar plus battery storage (solar+) is also a growing market sector.
  • Yotta SolarLEAF photovoltaic panels each come with 1 kWh of integrated Li-ion energy storage per panel for BTM applications.

Because there is inherent hazard from the malfunction of any kind of battery, NFPA 855 Standard for Installation of Stationary Storage Systems requires fire-rated separation of the ESS from other indoor occupancies in non-dedicated (unpopulated) use buildings. Every 50 kWh grouping of ESS is to be separated by three feet from each other and from the walls of the room. A maximum 600 kWh of batteries can be installed in one room. Fire detection plus suppression and control is required. Almost every type of battery must have built-in thermal runaway protection. UL9540 Standard for Energy Storage Systems and Equipment defines a test method to evaluate the fire characteristics of a battery energy storage system and can provide exceptions to NFPA 855 requirements.

Deploying solar+ energy storage has some major challenges. A recent report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy states, “Regulators often require utilities to offer energy efficiency and solar in separate siloed programs with different funding sources, cost-effectiveness tests, and reporting requirements.”

Also, it is not yet clear whether FERC Order 841 supports value-stacking of different energy storage services like backup power and peak demand reduction together. Thus far, only one service has been allowed per application. In addition, energy storage is a capital-intensive technology that does not fit well into a marginal cost-centric electricity market.

Energy storage can solve many problems along the energy supply chain. Utilities can advance the energy storage market by ownership of customer-sited storage, use of tariffs to encourage energy-storage deployment and grid integration of utility-scale energy storage. There are also several useful energy storage resources:

  • The U.S. Energy Storage Association (ESA) advocates and advances the energy storage industry.
  • ES-Select created by DNV GL in collaboration with Sandia National Labs allows users to screen energy storage technologies by calculating financial outputs.
  • DNV GL’s annual Battery Performance Scorecard provides independent ranking and evaluation of battery vendors based on testing performed in DNV GL’s laboratories.

Energy storage, by corralling the transitory nature of electrical energy, is presenting exciting opportunities not previously available.

Mike Carter is a Senior Engineer at Questline Digital. He has a BS in Engineering and an MBA degree from Ohio State University and is a Certified Energy Manager.

Keep your business customers up-to-date on energy trends and new technology with a Business eNewsletter from Questline Digital.

As an increasing number of U.S. cities focus on climate goals, city leaders are taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from public transportation systems. One of these environmentally friendly initiatives is the electric bus. Transit agencies across the country — from Seattle, Washington, to Portland, Maine — are beginning to incorporate this innovative technology into their fleets.

A sustainable solution     

With environmental concerns growing in importance, city leaders are considering the impact of public transportation, including emissions from traditional diesel buses. In dense urban areas, bus exhaust is also a major health concern for citizens. In the U.S., the transportation sector makes up nearly 30% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

Electric buses are one solution to counteract this negative environmental impact. Currently, there are about 650 electric buses on U.S. roadways — a small fraction of the total number around the globe. About 425,000 electric buses are in use worldwide, with 99% of them operating in China. Recognizing the advantages of the technology, U.S. cities are beginning to catch up by moving forward with clean public transit initiatives.  

A recent study finds nearly every state transit agency owns, or will own in the future, at least one electric bus. Showcasing this growth, the number of zero-emission buses in 2019 increased nearly 37% from the previous year.This number will continue to rise in the years and decades to come. In fact, several major metropolitan areas have long-term commitments to replace their fleets with battery-powered buses, including Los Angeles by 2030, San Francisco by 2035 and New York by 2040.

Benefits of electric buses

According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI), electric buses offer many benefits over diesel-fueled versions — notably zero carbon emissions. They are also quieter, easier to maintain and have lower operating costs.

Just like charging a personal electric vehicle, electric buses utilize power from the U.S. electrical grid. However, some parts of the grid are more advanced than others, with greater reliance on renewable energy resources. A recent study finds that electric buses have lower carbon emissions than diesel buses in all regions of the country. As the U.S. electrical grid becomes cleaner and more diverse, cities will see even more positive impact from electric bus implementation.

Forward-thinking cities  

With a commitment to sustainability, the Port Authority of Allegheny County (Pennsylvania), in partnership with local energy utility Duquesne Light Company, purchased two new electric buses in March 2020. Duquesne installed fast chargers and electrical infrastructure to support the buses, which travel to and from downtown Pittsburgh. The Port Authority shares data on the buses, which gives the utility valuable insights into the demand on the electrical grid. They plan to purchase additional electric buses for a new downtown bus route.

King County, Washington, has been leading the country in battery-powered public transportation. The county, which includes Seattle, has 185 zero-emission buses with a range of about 140 miles per charge. The county is working with local utility Seattle City Light to ensure the power needs are met for the advanced electric infrastructure. An early adopter of electric buses, the county has an aggressive goal of 100% renewable energy-powered public transit by 2040.

In Austin, Texas, the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Metro) purchased two electric buses. The battery-electric vehicles feature zero-emission technology, and will help reduce the city’s carbon footprint. This is just the start of cleaner transportation in Austin; the transportation authority has plans to purchase 80 electric buses in the next five years.

Overcoming speed bumps for electric buses

Perhaps the biggest challenges for electric bus adoption are high upfront costs and range anxiety. While many transit agencies are apprehensive about the higher upfront costs (approximately $770,000 per vehicle versus $445,000), EESI finds that powering electric vehicles is 2.5 times less expensive than diesel.

With improving battery technology, most electric buses nowadays have a range of 225 miles and can operate all day on one charge. Charging infrastructure requires construction buildout, which is both expensive and time-consuming. However, with the right partnerships, including coordination with local utilities and other city partners, these concerns can be mitigated.

As barriers continue to break down and cities make the environment a priority, it is clear that electric buses are here to stay for the long haul.

Learn how to drive Electric Vehicle adoption with a Questline Digital content marketing strategy.