Smarter Home Solution
Beginning-to-end support to boost your marketplace engagement
Simplify your utility marketplace promotion efforts with Questline Digital’s Smarter Home solution. Curate educational content and deploy tested promotions that play to all stages of the customer journey and seamlessly connect with your existing marketplace.
Jump directly to increased customer awareness, enrollment and sales. The Smarter Home solution is an end-to-end marketing engine that can be customized for any utility program or product sales objective.
Built on a foundation of helpful and engaging content, the Smarter Home will establish your utility as a trusted source for information on energy efficiency advice, smart home products and rebates. Our site can immediately become your utility’s primary means of educating customers through ongoing campaigns.

Key Features of Questline Digital’s Utility Marketplace Promotion Strategy
- Turnkey microsite populated with a variety of content types to suit the depth and scope of your entire customer journey
- Content available for all utility types — electric, gas, water — and other building and energy services
- Direct connection to utility marketplace site for seamless program enrollment, rebates and sales
- Proven promotional packages that include email, social, mobile and digital advertising
- Optimized for mobile, desktop, or tablet for seamless transitions across devices
Completely customizable
- Branded to match your logo, brand colors and key visuals
- Copy tailored to suit your brand, voice and message
- Content category choices based on popular energy topics with the ability to filter, add and remove
- Customizable calls-to-action to direct customers to your preferred destinations
- Ability to add new videos or content as needs change and opportunities arise
- Can incorporate promotional messages through hero images and banner ads
Focus on ROI
- Targeted product promotion to reach monthly goals
- Tracked performance metrics for conversions and enrollments
- Robust GA4 reporting on traffic, campaigns, engagement and conversions
- Digital tagging to facilitate ongoing analysis and optimization
Streamline utility marketplace promotion with Questline Digital’s Smarter Home solution — your end-to-end conversion engine.

Contact us for more information or a demo of the Smarter Home solution.
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