LADWP Increases Key Account Customer Engagement with Monthly Newsletter


The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) needed a solution to increase engagement and build stronger relationships with Key Account customers, including those from manufacturing, healthcare, retail and hospitality industries. 

To engage with customers, LADWP account managers were dispersing information on their own via email, phone and face-to-face conversations. The Key Accounts team needed a tool to communicate with large commercial customers on a regular basis and increase participation in utility programs, services and events. 


Questline Digital worked with LADWP to set up a monthly newsletter exclusively for Key Account customers. The newsletter features tailored content for commercial customers, such as advice on how large businesses can improve energy efficiency and tips to increase water conservation efforts. 

Each newsletter contains a mix of original articles from LADWP and content from Questline Digital’s Content Catalog, including at least one video per month, a standing best practice. Calls-to-action are personalized with account manager contact information, making it easy for customers to reach out to learn more. Additionally, case studies spotlight businesses that have improved energy efficiency and lowered costs through LADWP programs. 

The newsletter is also an opportunity to highlight LADWP’S Sustainability Awards Program, which recognizes business customers who have achieved positive environmental impacts through the utility’s rebate programs. 


For the Key Accounts team, the newsletter serves as a valuable communications tool to effectively reach more than 1,200 large commercial customers.

Since the newsletter’s inception in 2020, the Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Reliable Open Rate have consistently been above industry benchmark, achieving an average 6.1% and 21.9%, respectively. The benchmarks are 4.6% for CTR and 19% for Reliable Open Rate. 

Clicks range from 5.1% to 7.9% and opens range from 25% to 31%, showcasing how large commercial customers are engaging with newsletter content. The utility continues to utilize the newsletter to communicate about important utility news, programs and events. 

Additionally, the newsletter has helped LADWP create an established communications pipeline with its customers. “The Key Accounts newsletter creates that personal touch,” says Jason Stinnett, Lead Account Advisor. “That’s how you build trust, increase communications and motivate them to participate in programs that are good for their bottom line and help our department meet its regulatory goals. There is synergy that comes into this.”

About LADWP 

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is the largest municipal utility in the nation. The utility’s power and water system serve more than 4 million residents of Los Angeles, its businesses and visitors. Supplying water to Los Angeles since 1902 and electricity since 1917, LADWP has continually evolved to meet the needs of its customers and provide reliable water and power service in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

The Key Accounts newsletter effectively reaches more than 1,200 large commercial customers.

“Our Key Accounts newsletter creates more personalized engagement, provides an opportunity to showcase what our account managers can do for our customers and bridges any potential knowledge gaps. Having a monthly newsletter, where the content is focused on a customer’s industry needs, really strengthens that relationship.”
Sandy Yen, Lead Account Advisor, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power