Personalized Videos Transform Billing and Payment Experience for Con Edison


Con Edison was actively seeking ways to enhance the billing and payment experience for its residential and business customers by providing a more personalized approach. This included efforts to raise awareness and increase enrollments for its billing programs, including paperless billing, autopay and budget billing. 


Questline Digital partnered with Con Edison and introduced its innovative personalized video solution, SmartVX. The personalized videos allowed Con Edison to deliver billing options and programs tailored to individual customer’s past actions and actual energy usage. 

Prior to a full customer-based campaign, Con Edison wanted a two-phased test to gather feedback on SmartVX. Phase one was to get feedback about the utility’s budget billing program. Phase two was to gather feedback about three programs: paperless billing, autopay and budget billing. The results of this two-phase campaign are helping Con Edison understand how it can better communicate to customers about the billing programs. 


This two-phased personalized video campaign yielded outstanding results, demonstrating strong customer engagement and effectiveness: 

  • 4,802 call-to-action (CTA) clicks 
  • 10,413 unique video views 

Additionally, Con Edison received survey feedback from each customer. This feedback noted that customers responded positively to the personalized videos, finding them clear, appealing and informative. In fact, feedback showed that 96% of viewers found it easier to understand the various billing programs available to them and how to seamlessly enroll on their devices. 

One survey respondent said, “First of all, I love the fact that it was personalized, they said my name, and then they also gave me actual facts about my bill, and how this balance billing would affect me. I thought it was very concise but gave a lot of information.” 

SmartVX personalized videos not only simplified the enrollment process for billing programs but also delivered a highly engaging customer experience. Looking ahead, Con Edison is planning to continue leveraging SmartVX to effectively reach and communicate with customers by expanding its billing messages and introducing additional program promotions.

About Con Edison 

Founded in 1823, Con Edison has fueled and sustained the growth of Greater New York for nearly two centuries. Con Edison operates one of the world’s largest energy delivery systems and provides electric, gas and steam service for 10 million people in New York City and Westchester County. Con Edison’s three guiding principles — safety, operational excellence and enhancing the customer experience — drive everything they do. 

96% of viewers found it easier to understand the various billing programs available to them.

“Enhancing the billing and payment experience for our customers is a top priority. Questline Digital’s SmartVX solution has allowed us to effectively communicate complex programs to eligible customers in an easy-to-understand format. Our customers appreciate the personalized touch and clarity the videos provide, which has led to increased engagement and program participation. We look forward to continually improving the customer experience by leveraging SmartVX.” 
Raymond Joseph, Billing & Payments Section Manager, Con Edison